Monthly Archives: October 2011

Beacon Power bankrupt; had U.S. backing like Solyndra

(Reuters) – Beacon Power Corp filed for bankruptcy on Sunday just a year after the energy storage company received a $43 million loan guarantee from a controversial U.S. Department of Energy program. The move comes about two months after solar panel maker Solyndra also filed for bankruptcy, setting off criticism of the government loan program. […]

Aviation Biofuels Program In Brazil Draws Heavyweight Industry Leadership

Aviation Biofuels Program In Brazil Draws Heavyweight Industry Leadership Boeing, Embraer And Sao Paulo Research Foundation To Guide Renewable Fuel Research Boeing, Embraer, and the Sao Paulo State Research Foundation (FAPESP) have announced plans to collaborate on long-term aviation biofuels-related research and development, a move that represents another major step toward the creation of a […]

China paper says U.S. solar complaint driven by envy

BEIJING | Sat Oct 29, 2011 11:17pm EDT (Reuters) – An anti-dumping complaint filed by U.S. solar firms against their Chinese counterparts is driven by envy at China’s rapid growth in the field and goes against global efforts to fight climate change, a major state-run newspaper said on Sunday. Seven U.S. solar manufacturers this month asked the […]

Energy Revolution Keeps Carbon on Top: Myhrvold

About Nathan P Myhrvold Nathan Myhrvold, the former chief strategist and chief technology officer at Microsoft, is the founder of Intellectual Ventures, a company that funds, creates and commercializes inventions. More about Nathan P Myhrvold A remarkable thing happened in Silicon Valley during the past decade. Venture capitalists and entrepreneurs set their sights on clean […]

ConocoPhillips Energy Prize Goes to High-Altitude Wind System

    POSTED BY: DAVE LEVITAN  /  TUE, OCTOBER 25, 2011   Oil giant ConocoPhillips has awarded its $125,000 energy prize to a tethered, high-altitude wind power device by Adam Rein and Ben Glass, of Altaeros Energies. The device — basically a horizontal-axis wind turbine floating with a helium-filled shroud — can be rapidly deployed from a single shipping container in […]

Optical Antennas Improve Hydrogen Production

Metal nanoparticles increase the efficiency of materials that use sunlight to split water By NEIL SAVAGE  /  AUGUST 2011 10 August 2011—Using metal nanoparticles as antennas for light could make the production of hydrogen more affordable, say researchers at Stanford University. Hydrogen is viewed as a potential carbon-free replacement fuel for automobiles. On Earth, the primary source of hydrogen is […]

Prospects for an Artificial Leaf Are Growing

Scientists design artificial photosynthesis devices that could make hydrogen or other fuels By DAVE LEVITAN  /  NOVEMBER 2011   30 September 2011—If every leaf on the planet can do it, maybe we can too. Scientists have long tried to mimic photosynthesis as a way to harness the energy in sunlight and turn it into a usable fuel, just as plants […]

Desertec to start work on first solar plant in 2012

FRANKFURT | Sat Oct 29, 2011 12:25pm EDT (Reuters) – Desertec, the world’s most ambitious solar power project, is to start building its first power plant next year, a 500 megawatt (MW) facility in Morocco costing up to 2 billion euros ($2.8 billion), the project lead told a German newspaper. “Construction is to start in 2012,” Ernst […]

Even the Smartest People on Earth Don’t Know This About Solar

By Nathanael in blog | 0 Comments by Dan Auld, Friend of Katerva Google is just about the smartest place on earth. So in 2008, many were surprised that Google was surprised with its discovery that it did not really know that much about its 1.65 megawatt solar array. They knew it was dirty. And when they cleaned it, energy […]

What is Katerva?

Katerva is a UK-registered charity organization which serves to identify, award & accelerate ingenious ideas that will enable the global community to live sustainably with the planet. The Katerva Awards are the pinnacle of global sustainability recognition. The name Katerva (Ca-tair-vah) is derived from the Latin word Caterva—meaning “crowd.” Katerva serves to harness the wisdom and passion of […]