Focus On Fuel Savings

  By Elyse Moody  As mergers, consolidation and a stressed operational environment reshape commercial aviation, fuel efficiency has risen to the top of airline business concerns. Not only is it the industry’s single biggest expense, but economic and environmental pressures are forcing carriers to watch fuel consumption like a hawk. According to Airlines for America’s […]

On the Horizon, Planes Powered by Plant Fuel

By MATTHEW L. WALD The use of jet fuel from renewable sources is now well demonstrated, but it costs more than double what fuel made from petroleum does, according to airlines, aircraft companies and suppliers. One way to cut the cost may be to tinker with the plants that biofuel is made from. Take jatropha, for example. […]

Aviation Biofuels Program In Brazil Draws Heavyweight Industry Leadership

Aviation Biofuels Program In Brazil Draws Heavyweight Industry Leadership Boeing, Embraer And Sao Paulo Research Foundation To Guide Renewable Fuel Research Boeing, Embraer, and the Sao Paulo State Research Foundation (FAPESP) have announced plans to collaborate on long-term aviation biofuels-related research and development, a move that represents another major step toward the creation of a […]

The goal of Swedish Biofuels AB is to offer a complete solution for environmentally friendly alternatives to fossil motor fuels.

  LOW CARBON AVIATION FUEL PRODUCED BY SWEDISH BIOFUELS TECHNOLOGY TO BE USED BY VIRGIN ATLANTIC 11 OCTOBER, 2011 Swedish Biofuels have made an unprecedented advance in the development of sustainable fuel technology in cooperation with the Virgin Atlantic and LanzaTech partnership for a world-first low carbon aviation fuel with half the carbon footprint of […]

Turning wood into oil, in two simple steps

Unlocking new energy possibilities with dead wood (02:15) By Ernest Scheyder ORONO, Maine | Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:11pm EDT (Reuters) – Efficiency and simplicity have long eluded renewable-fuel researchers, but a Maine scientist has developed a two-step process he says can make oil from the cellulose in wood fiber. This process, far less complex than competing methods, creates […]

A Way to Make Motor Fuel Out of Wood? Add Water

By MATTHEW L. WALD A Georgia company says it has overcome a major roadblock in turning agricultural waste into vehicle fuel and other useful chemicals by experimenting with a technology that treats the waste with compressed water heated to very high temperatures. Technology from Renmatix obtained this sugar solution from wood pulp by applying very hot […]

Report Says Vehicle Fuel Should Be the Priority, Not Electricity

By MATTHEW L. WALD   ReportOnTheFirstQTR Department of EnergyThe nation’s persistent reliance on oil poses long-term hazards, an analysis says. Research on solar and wind power is all well and good, but a self-assessment by the Department of Energy has found that in the great scheme of energy needs, the government is not investing enough in […]

Why AliphaJet Advanced Drop-in Renewable Fuels and other Hydrocarbons May Replace the Entire Barrel of Oil

AliphaJet has cracked the code on how to inexpensively convert renewable natural oils and fats into identical replacement hydrocarbons (i.e. everything that today comes from a barrel of oil). Until now, attempts to create renewable hydrocarbons have been costly and controlled by the oil refining industry. AliphaJet’s technology changes all of that and allows the […]

U.S. ethanol prices hit 3-year high

Fri, Jun 10 2011 By Janet McGurty NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S. ethanol prices hit their highest level in about three years on Thursday after cold, rainy weather and flooding cut corn plantings, but the hike in the additive’s costs was not expected to boost gasoline prices. Cash ethanol rose 7 cents in the Midwest to […]

Used OIL Pyrolysis

It has been estimated that over 8 billion US gallons (30.3 billion liters) of used motor oil are produced every year by the world’s cars and trucks. While some of that is re-refined into new oil or burned in furnaces for heat, neither of those processes are entirely environmentally-innocuous. In other cases, it is simply […]