Germany’s $270 Billion Renewables Shift Biggest Since War

By Stefan Nicola – Mar 18, 2012 5:00 PM MT Not since the allies leveled Germany in World War II has Europe’s biggest economy undertaken a reconstruction of its energy market on this scale. Chancellor Angela Merkel is planning to build offshore wind farms that will cover an area six times the size of New York City and erect power […]

How Can Business Leaders Accept the Challenges of the New Energy Era? By Ned Harvey

How Can Business Leaders Accept the Challenges of the New Energy Era? By Ned Harvey Published February 06, 2012 Email | Print | Multiple Page View Tags: Clean Tech, Climate, More… This is the first in a Rocky Mountain Institute series on the steps business leaders can take to seize the economic and competitive opportunities outlined in Reinventing Fire: Bold Business Solutions for the New Energy Era. […]

White Trumps Black in Urban Cool Contest

By JOANNA M. FOSTER Gaffin et alA comparison of the surface temperatures of a white roof at MoMa P.S. 1 in Queens with those of a black roof last June to August. The roof was coated with a white acrylic paint. One hundred seventy degrees Fahrenheit is the approximate temperature to which chicken should be cooked. […]

Focus On Fuel Savings

  By Elyse Moody  As mergers, consolidation and a stressed operational environment reshape commercial aviation, fuel efficiency has risen to the top of airline business concerns. Not only is it the industry’s single biggest expense, but economic and environmental pressures are forcing carriers to watch fuel consumption like a hawk. According to Airlines for America’s […]

Preparing for a Flood of Energy Efficiency Spending

By KATE GALBRAITH                     KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — To the casual eye, the basement of this city’s Firehouse 9 looks like a jumble of old hydrants, Dr Pepper cartons, rakes and random gear. To specialists in energy efficiency, the 1960s-era building is a mess of a different sort: wasteful hot water heaters for the firefighters’ showers, […]

Renewables From Vestas to Suntech Plan Profit Without Subsidy

By                    Alex Morales and Jacqueline Simmons                 –                                Congress Delay on Wind Energy Tax Break May Mean Lost Jobs Parts of a Vestas Wind Systems A/S turbine wait to be assembled at the Sacramento Municipal Utility District Wind Power Plant in Rio Vista, California, on Nov. 17, 2011. Vestas, the world’s biggest maker of turbines, said […]

The (Solar) Light at the End of the Tunnel

By FELICITY BARRINGER A consultant for the Defense Department reports that introducing solar installations on nine military bases in the Mojave and Colorado Desert could generate 7,000 megawatts of power. Depending on which yardstick you prefer, that amounts to the output of seven average nuclear plants or six large coal-fired plants. It would also amount […]

Energy Efficiency needs in the Military

The heavy, mine-resistant vehicles that almost all U.S. military personnel use to move about Afghanistan are gas guzzlers. And even though the U.S. military buys that fuel at a reasonable price, the energy it takes to fly it and truck it to remote parts of Afghanistan drives the price into the stratosphere. There’s also a […]

Airlines Lose Challenge to EU Expansion of Carbon Cap-and-Trade System

By Stephanie Bodoni – Dec 21, 2011 2:05 PM MT Dec. 21 (Bloomberg) — Diogenis Papiomytis, consultant at Frost & Sullivan, discusses the European Union’s planned expansion of its carbon cap-and-trade-system. He speaks with Maryam Nemazee on Bloomberg Television’s “The Pulse.” (Source: Bloomberg) Enlarge image Giovanni Bisignani, chief executive officer of the International Air Transport Association […]

Goldman’s Abby Cohen Says World Moving Toward Voluntary Carbon Cuts

Q By Kim Chipman – Dec 7, 2011 7:42 AM MT Global attempts to curb greenhouse gases through legal treaties are likely to fade in favor of voluntary actions, Abby Joseph Cohen,Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS)’s senior U.S. investment strategist, said in a research note to clients. Negotiators from more than 190 countries at United Nations- led climate talks […]